If you have a story that you'd like to share, please contact us. Our goal is to collect and document the oral history of Columbia County's Black residents, to make it available for all to experience and enjoy.
"In Perspective" expands the common narrative of life for Blacks in the Hudson Valley.In association with the Columbia County Historical Society, the Archive presents a free lecture series throughout the spring of 2023. These lectures aim to put into historical and sociological context the lived experiences of enslaved and freed people in the Hudson Valley. Noted scholars and researchers will be sharing their findings on how African Americans lived in the Hudson Valley from the 16th to 19th centuries. |
Andrea C. Mosterman is Associate Professor of Atlantic History and Joseph Tregle Professor in Early American History at the University of New Orleans. Mosterman's articles have appeared in, among others, The Journal of African History and Early American Studies. She is the author of author of Spaces of Enslavement: A History of Slavery and Resistance in Dutch New York. www.andreacmosterman.com |
Lisa Fludd-Smith moderates and maintains this blog. Unless otherwise noted, all posts are written by her.
June 2023
February 2023
December 2022
February 2022